Korean Terminology

Terms of Rank:

Kwan Jang Nim - Grand Master (7th Dan and Above) 
Sa Bum Nim - Master Instructor (4th to 6th Dan) 
Kyo Bum Nim -  Instructor ( 2nd Dan & 3rd Dan - Degree)    
Kyo Sa Nim - Training Instructor High Belts (1st Dan) 
Sun Bae Nim - Senior Dan Holder (4th Dan and above)  
Dan - Black Belt Degree Levels
Gup - Yellow Belt to Red Belt ( Lower TKD Levels)


Chariot - Attention
Kyong Ne - Bow
Choonbi - Ready
Shijak - Start (for instance, to commence fighting at a tournament)
Kooman - Stop
Kallyo - Separate (no grappling in Taekwondo tournaments!)
Kyesok - Continue

Basic Korean Terms

Tae - Foot
Kwon - Fist (or, "to smash with the fist")
Do - Way
Poomse - Pattern
Dojang - Training Hall
Momtong Bashin - Press Ups
Bo Chumok - Wrapped Fists
Dobok - Uniform
Hoogo - Body Armour
Oreun - Right
Wen - Left
Kibom - Technique
Chung - Blue
Hong - Red


Sogi - Stance
Ap Sogi - Walking Stance
Ap Kobi - Long Stance
Joochum Sogi - Horse Back (Sitting) Stance
Dwi Kobi - Back Stance
Moa Sogi - Close Stance
Wen Sogi - Left Stance
Oreun Sogi - Right Stance
Koa Sogi - Cross Stance
Bom Sogi - Tiger Stance
Chariot Sogi - Attention Stance
Choonbi Sogi - Ready Stance

Kicks Techniques

Chagi - Kick
Ap Chagi - Front Kick
Yop Chagi - Side Kick
Dolliyo Chagi - Turning Kick
Dwi Chagi - Back Kick
Horyo Chagi - Reverse Turning Kick
Ap Horyo Chagi - Hook Kick
Naeryo Chagi - Axe Kick
An Chagi - Inner Crescent Kick
Bakat Chagi - Outer Crescent Kick
Mirro Chagi - Push Kick
Ap Dolliyo Chagi - Front Turning Kick
ituereo Chagi - Twisting Kick
Cha Jun Bal Chagi - Skipping Kick
Twimeo Chagi - Jumping Kick
Chagi Undong - Kicking Exercise
Ap Cha Olligi - Front Leg Raising


Maki - Block
Aree Maki - Lower (or, Leg) Block
Momtong Maki - Middle (Body) Block
Olgool Maki - High (Face) Block
Palmok Maki - Forearm Block
An Palmok Maki - Inner Forearm Block
Bakat Palmok Maki - Outer Forearm Block
Sohn Nal Maki - Knife Hand Block
An Sohn Nal Maki - Inner Knife Hand Block
Bakat Sohn Nal Maki - Outer Knife Hand 
Ba Tang Sohn Maki - Palm Heel Block
Hechyo Maki - Wedge Block
Eotgesreo Maki - Cross Wrist Block
Owest Stanteel Maki - Part Mountain Block
Stanteel Maki - Mountain Block
Kawi Maki - Double Block

Punches & Strikes

Jireugi - Punch
Ap Jireugi - Front Punch
Yop Jireugi - Side Punch
Duebom Jireugi - Double Punch
Baro Jireugi - Reverse Punch
Bandi Jireugi - Obverse Punch
Jecheo Jireugi - Upper Cut Punch
Teok Jireugi - Upset Punch
Doong Chumok - Back Fist
Me Chumok - Hammer Fist
Bo Chumok - Covering Fist
Chigi - Strike
Palkup Chigi - Elbow Strike
Pyong Sohn Keut Chigi - Spear Hand Strike
Ba Tang Sohn Chigi - Palm Heel Strike
An Jin Sohn Chigi - Arc Hand Strike
Sohn Nal Chigi - Knife Hand Strike
Sohn Nal Mok Chigi - Knife Hand Neck Strike
Sohn Nal Doong - Ridge Hand Strike
Palmok Chigi - Forearm Strike
Pyojeot Chigi - Target Strike
Mur Chigi - Knee Strike
Naeryo Chigi - Downward Strike


Qurogee - Sparring
Jayo Qurogee - Free Sparring
Macho Qurogee - Competition Sparring
Hanbon Qurogee - One Step Sparring
Eebon Qurogee - Two Step Sparring
Sebon Qurogee - Three Step Sparring
Ho Sin Sul - Self Defense
Poomse / Tul - Pattern (Forms)
Hyungs - Parent Name for ITF/TI 24 patterns
Taegeuk - Parent Name for first WTF  8 patterns


Olgool - Face
Mok - Neck
Momtong - Body
Palmok - Forearm
Palkup - Elbow
Sohn - Hand
Chumok - Fist
Mur - Knee
Aree - Legs

Counting in Korean

Hana - one
Dool - two
Set - three
Net - four
Dasot - five
Yasot - six
Ilkop - seven
Yodol - eight
Ahop - nine
Yol - ten

TaeKwonDo Teacher Levels

Do joo nim: founder (of the art)
kwan jang nim: grandmaster
chung sah nim: chief instructor (or "chief master")
sah bum nim: instructor (or "master")
sah boo nim: more intimate and respectful form of "sah bum nim"; literally "teaching father"
kyo sah nim: teacher (also "seon saeng nim")
sun bae nim: senior student
hu bae nim: junior student
hak saeng: student
suryun saeng: trainee
jeja: pupil
joo sim: referee
bu sim: judge
bae sim: juror
kae sim: time keeper
ki rohk: recorder

After School Care Alternative - Registration - $110.00 Weekly

After School Care Alternative - Registration - $110.00 Weekly

Dear Future ASP Parents,

GMA Gallatin parents and children love our program. The tuition value can't be beat for all of the benefits a child gains in our program.  

Once you register and pay the $175.00 registration/ start up fee, we will enroll you in our system. The registration fee includes the first week plus registration. (Once the form is completed you will be redirected to PayPal to complete your payment.) * Due to limited space - There are No Refunds

ASP Includes:
Local School Pick Up
Snacks - Beverages
After School Care
Home Work Assistance
(upon request) 
Martial Arts Classes
Life / Leadership Skills
Extended Care (added fee)

Our ASP GMS director will call you to schedule a private meeting. It is important to make your scheduled appointment by calling 731-324-3850, as there is limited space. The director will give you all the needed paperwork at the meeting so you can complete the ASP registration. You are not registered until the packet is completed at the school.  

Appointment times  5:30pm to 6:30pm

Please tell us more about your child in our Leave a Comment Sections.  

Thank You

GMA Office - 731-324-3850


GMA-ASP Policy:

Weekly Tuition $110 per week: (Extended Care Available) To hold your position on weeks off from school, summer breaks, fall breaks and holidays, there is a weekly $40 maintenance fee to hold your position. The maintenance fee keeps the tuition rates down and saves your spot.  As an added benefit, the maintenance fee also includes weekly martial arts training classes during the off seasons and seasonal breaks. Please note: We do not prorate short school weeks, inclement weather-closed days or sick personal days. You must call the school before 1pm if your child is not attending or does not need to be picked up on a specific day.  If a driver has to wait or have a teacher search for a child, there is a $10 no-call fee. GMA also offers Summer camps and  Fall / Spring camps if there is enough interest.  

Items to bring to the registration meeting:

Bring Your Insurance Card
Drivers License  or Government ID Card
School Information ( Teachers Name)

Thank you for submitting your application. Our director will call you within 2 business days to schedule an in-house meeting, Please make sure your mail box is not full.