About Us

Great Instruction - Fair Prices

Testimonial Video:

Free Trail Lesson 

  •  If you join on the first day - we will gift you (One Free Uniform ) 
  • Great Discounted Programs - Fair Price  ($109 to $189 Monthly) 
  • Family Discounts ( 15% - 30% Off  2nd & 3rd Member)
  • Scholarship Programs Available  (Info at the school)
  • Evening & Morning Classes
  • Unlimited Classes - Open 5 Days Per Week (Saturdays Privates Only)
  • Group Discounts ( Saturday Seminars) 
  • Pay Per Class Programs (Buy a Block of Classes) Non-Discounted $20 per class. 
  • Over 60 Classes Per Week
  • 3 & 6 Month Paid In Full - Short Term Trial Programs
  • Non Contract Options - 30 Day Notice To Cancel 

Some Basic Questions

How Much Do Martial Arts Classes Cost?


The truth is that martial arts classes, no matter where in the world, can be all over the board in terms of cost. Some academies cost more than others, depending on where you’re located, overhead costs and what type of professional martial arts training you are looking for and the martial art styles offered.

Our academy is located at 509 Garnet Ct #100 Gallatin is a 4500-sqft martial arts school. The best martial arts academies tend to run a little more in total investment versus an uncertified academy and there’s a reason for this; a nicer training center,  professionalism and world wide certification.

The programs we teach are excellent and are competitive and fair in price.  Over the last 50 years we have been changing lives and have had thousands of  happy students. We constantly try to give our best and go the extra mile for our students.  I’m sure our parents, students, other friendships academy owners and local school teachers will back us up here.  

We can assure you that our students get what they pay for and so much more. In most cases we are less expensive than many other martial arts facilities. The most important thing is quality before price and we have fair tuition fees. The thing is, would you rather go cheaper to save $5 or $10 less per week and learn the wrong methods or would you rather pay a little more and learn from great teachers?  Most people who are serious about learning martial arts, go with the best, even if it’s a few more dollars per month.  In most cases, we are talking about a difference of $5 to  $10  per week. I don’t think it’s hard to see the reason why better instruction is more important than the difference of a small amount of money. However as a family run school we understand cost is important to all families so we keep our tuition rates to a fair price.  

We understand everyone is on a budget and people work hard for their money.  That is why if you are serious about learning, getting  stronger (physically / mentally), learning practical self-defense, building confidence, improving self esteem, improving life skills, overcoming obstacles, while having a fun workout and making great friends, then we are the martial arts academy for you. We are a family friendly academy and family operated.  We are 4 generations of martial art practitioners, grandmasters, masters, instructors and have a proven track record of changing lives inside the ring and outside.  "We develop the champions of today and the leaders of tomorrow" 

GMA offers the top programs, top instructors, great training and over 60 classes per week and several martial art styles  to choose from. We also offer International certification through extra training courses and seminars.

Welcome to our family.

Why do some schools charge more than others and charge for belt exams?

  • Cost of materials for the exam ( belts, boards awards) / Guest Masters 
  • Internationally Certified  Masters
  • Master Levels 4th Dan  to  9th Dan
  • Teaching Experience 5, 10, 20, 40, 50 years teaching,
  • Olympic / National Competition Level Standing
  • Yearly Professional / Union Dues 
  • Education Level of Staff Members.
  • Coaching Classes & Recertification Fees
  • Annual Background Checks
  • Cost to Maintain / Replace Equipment
  • Cost of Supplies for Belt Exams
  • Length of Training Classes 30m 45m 60m 
  • Classes Offered Per Week. ( Part Time - Full Time School)
  • Martial Art Styles offered.
  • Insurance and Licenses
  • Facility Size / Amenities
  • Location, Rent & Payroll
  • Annual Inspection Fees
  • Taxes - City - County -State - Federal 

If you are training somewhere already, train hard.  By the list above, I am not saying your instructor is good or bad if he charges more or less than another school. What I am saying there is a difference in methods, teaching styles, teaching credentials and operation costs depending on the rental rates and location.

In the end, it takes knowledge to run a professional school and develop top students in all aspects of life. In our case, we have over 50 years experience and do not "play" martial arts;  it is our life.

GMA as many top martial arts centers in the USA, we set our prices based on our experience and overhead cost to maintain a nice clean facility, top masters and top instruction. There are some instructors with little certification or experience, who just want to build a school by offering ridiculously cheap classes.  By offering classes at discounted prices, these schools are destined to close down or down size.

I dislike when I read about school owners who charge less, then accuse others of overcharging when basic business knowledge and financial calculations are essential to remaining open. This just shows they lack what it takes to run a professional, high instruction level school and do not have or believe in their qualifications or instruction quality.  In the end all  school owner needs to understand what it takes to run a professional full-time martial arts business so they can stay open for years to come.

In the end no professional school owner wants to let their students down and what instructor wants to work two or three jobs to keep their school open, that will never last too long.    Ask yourself:  If your school goes out of business or you move is your certification worth anything?  If certification or quality is not important to you, then these issues need not be considered.  Ask yourself: Do you want to learn martial arts or play around/ dabble in martial arts?

If you want to learn martial arts then look for the most qualified teacher.  If you want to play around in martial arts, then there is no need to worry about qualifications or experience. We have many students from schools that have closed, who needed to start over again because they chose a cheaper price or just did not know there is a difference, and received incorrect training from an unqualified instructor.  In the end, martial arts education cost them much more after having to back track and relearn incorrect technique.

Do not fall for inferior training to save some money or pay hundreds per month for average instruction.  Not all martial art schools are the same.  Not all teachers are the same.  Look into their qualifications and make sure all the staff have the qualifications to teach. The current average in the USA for quality martial arts instruction is around $120 to $350 per month per person depending on the area and the qualifications of the staff members.

As for us, we have been teaching high level martial arts training for over 45 years and keep our price fair because we are family operated.  We also try to go above and beyond while training our students because we care deeply about every student, parent and grandparent. We provide guidance and instruction for the full development of all our students to the best of our ability, always.


Thank You

If you need more information please visit our academy. 


Family Discount Specials:

Add a Family Member Discount  20% - 30% Off 2nd Member 
( Must be a direct family Member)

One Free Uniform:

  • One Free Uniform with Basic  12 Month  Program
  • Registration Fee Depends on the program chosen.


We Offer To All Our Students:

  • We offer world certified instruction by top Master Instructors
  • We offer traditional martial arts training .
  • We offer practical effective self defense training.
  • We offer a full-time professional training.
  • We offer over 60 Classes per week.
  • We offer academic tutoring. 
  • We offer an in house Child Devlopment Expert
  • We track academics and home behaviour with all children
  • We offer classes for special needs children and adults.
  • We offer no gimicks or additional upgrades or team charges.
  • We offer a clean parent waiting areas and plenty of seating.
  • We offer an electronic attendance system
  • We offer a clean modern 15,000sft  training facility.
  • We offer WIFI for parents.
  • We offer a professional weigh loss service with our affiliate.
  • We offer top instruction at a fair prices.
  • We offer contract discounts and non-contract options please visit the academy for those prices.
  • We offer 3 month and 6 month programs.  ( 3 Month Paid in full Trial Program)
  • We offer One  Free Trial Lesson 

All above rates are based on a 12 month basic program



  • One Free Trial Lesson - Wing Chun

    1 day

    2 sessions / week

    Kung Fu / Wing Chun

    FREE Select
After School Care Alternative - Registration - $110.00 Weekly

After School Care Alternative - Registration - $110.00 Weekly

Dear Future ASP Parents,

GMA Gallatin parents and children love our program. The tuition value can't be beat for all of the benefits a child gains in our program.  

Once you register and pay the $175.00 registration/ start up fee, we will enroll you in our system. The registration fee includes the first week plus registration. (Once the form is completed you will be redirected to PayPal to complete your payment.) * Due to limited space - There are No Refunds

ASP Includes:
Local School Pick Up
Snacks - Beverages
After School Care
Home Work Assistance
(upon request) 
Martial Arts Classes
Life / Leadership Skills
Extended Care (added fee)

Our ASP GMS director will call you to schedule a private meeting. It is important to make your scheduled appointment by calling 731-324-3850, as there is limited space. The director will give you all the needed paperwork at the meeting so you can complete the ASP registration. You are not registered until the packet is completed at the school.  

Appointment times  5:30pm to 6:30pm

Please tell us more about your child in our Leave a Comment Sections.  

Thank You

GMA Office - 731-324-3850


GMA-ASP Policy:

Weekly Tuition $110 per week: (Extended Care Available) To hold your position on weeks off from school, summer breaks, fall breaks and holidays, there is a weekly $40 maintenance fee to hold your position. The maintenance fee keeps the tuition rates down and saves your spot.  As an added benefit, the maintenance fee also includes weekly martial arts training classes during the off seasons and seasonal breaks. Please note: We do not prorate short school weeks, inclement weather-closed days or sick personal days. You must call the school before 1pm if your child is not attending or does not need to be picked up on a specific day.  If a driver has to wait or have a teacher search for a child, there is a $10 no-call fee. GMA also offers Summer camps and  Fall / Spring camps if there is enough interest.  

Items to bring to the registration meeting:

Bring Your Insurance Card
Drivers License  or Government ID Card
School Information ( Teachers Name)

Thank you for submitting your application. Our director will call you within 2 business days to schedule an in-house meeting, Please make sure your mail box is not full.