Q & A

Do you have contracts?

We offer paid in full options and  we also offer a discounted  6-12 - 24 - 36 Month contract financed option  to make sure students / parents are making a serious commitment to learning the martial arts.  However we do offer paid in full short term programs and a cancellation options.  At times a contract is a great benefit to motivate students to attain a goal of a Black Belt. Quitting things all the time does not help develop leadership skills, life skills, goal setting, dedication or peace of mind.  Learning martial arts will change your life but it is not done over night it takes years to overcome the past challenges in your life. 

A contract also helps prevent students from quitting when learning and workouts get challenging, Our experience is most the time students love the programs we offer  but parents lose dedication to bring them to normal training classes. It takes the dedication of the student and the support of the family to achieve a hire level of success in life. " Change your life today" 

Does martial arts training help with confidence, discipline / ADD / ADHD?

Yes absolutely we have helped hundreds of children to avoid the need for being medicated. Our program has a proven track record when parents follow our teaching and modified parenting methods, When you visit our instructors will give you an assessment to see if our program  and our child developmental program fits your childs needs. When you visit our academy please ask to read our testimonial book filled with happy students. 

How many time per week should I attend?

 Many students and parents ask this question. I guess the question should be do you want to play martial arts or learn martial arts? Our opinion is if you plan on attending once per week you are wasting your money. We normally recommend a student commits to several times per week ( 2 to 5) obviously the more you train the more proficient you will become. However by attending at least 2 times per week you will advance at a normal rate. Just remember the more you attend the more benefits a student will gain.

Why does one martial arts school cost more than another?

Most the time the cost can vary due to the  instructor's credentials, instructor's Black Belt levels, instructor's experience, academy memberships to top organizations  and the quality of the teaching. Also the quality of the facility, equipment, rent, utilities, size of the facility and the cost to maintain top Master level instructors.

How long does it take to reach a Black Belt?

It normally takes 4 - 5 years to attain a 1st Degree black belt level in TaeKwondo / Kung Fu and  about 7 - 8 years in Brazilian JiuJitsu.  There are around 10 levels of black belt and to attain all those levels can take a life time of dedication and hardwork.

How can a child be a Black Belt?

All students must attend a set number of classes for each belt level earned and must understand the curriculum for their level.  As for child wearing a Black Belt - it is all in the certification and on their paperwork they are considered (Poome) Junior Black Belts at the age of 16 their next levels will transfer to say Adult (Dan Level) Black Belt. It is a great benefit to start a child at a young age in martial arts to give them leadership skills and a stronger edge in life.  In Brazilian JiuJitsu only kids over 16 can achieve a blue belt or higher and then work towards their black belt levels. 

After School Care Alternative - Registration

After School Care Alternative - Registration

Dear Future ASP Parents,

GMA Gallatin parents and children love our program. The tuition value can't be beat for all of the benefits a child gains in our program.  Once you register and pay the $175.00 registration/ start up fee, we will enroll you in our system. The registration fee includes the first week plus registration. (Once the form is completed you will be redirected to PayPal to complete your payment.)

* Limited Space - No Refunds 

Our ASP GMS director will call you to schedule a private meeting. It is important to make your scheduled appointment, as there is limited space. The director will give you all the needed paperwork at the meeting so you can complete the ASP registration. You are not registered until the packet is completed at the school.  

Appointment times 3:30pm to 5:30pm

Please tell us more about your child in our Leave a Comment Sections.  

Thank You

GMA Office - 615-989-7945 - Ext 5


GMA-ASP Policy:

To hold your position on weeks off from school, summer breaks, fall breaks and holidays, there is a weekly $30 maintenance fee to hold your position. As an added benefit, the maintenance fee also includes weekly martial arts training classes during the off seasons and seasonal breaks. Please note: We do not prorate short school weeks, inclement weather-closed days or sick personal days. You must call the school before 1pm if your child is not attending or does not need to be picked up on a specific day.  If a driver has to wait or have a teacher search for a child, there is a $10 no-call fee. GMA also offers Summer camps and  Fall / Spring camps if there is enough interest.  

Items to bring to the registration meeting:

Bring Your Insurance Card
Drivers License  or Government ID Card
School Information ( Teachers Name)

Thank you for submitting your application. Our director will call you within 2 business days to schedule an in-house meeting, Please make sure your mail box is not full.